Clayton, North Carolina
The Town of Clayton is one of the fastest growing cities in the Research Triangle Park Region in North Carolina. Downtown is charming and flush with a variety of destination shops, dining, arts, and the center piece, The Clayton Center Performing Arts venue. Outside of downtown, three golfing communities and recreational opportunities like the new Clayton River Walk on the Neuse, which is part of the state-wide Mountain to the Sea Trail.
The community which has grown into the Town of Clayton was built on a road cut by Governor Tryon’s troops around 1770 as they marched North from New Bern to Hillsborough. Nearly 100 years later the railroad came through and the community had it’s first name—Stallings’ Station, since the depot for the NC Railroad was in the home of Mrs. Sarah Stallings. Three years later name was changed to Clayton for a senator from Delaware. Incorporation followed in 1869.
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